2. Qabxii Ol’aanaa Bara 2013tti Galmaa’e
2. Qabxii Ol’aanaa Bara 2013tti Galmaa’e
Qaamolee Ijaarsa Pirojektii Bu’uura Boruu Irratti Gumaacha Taasisaniif Beekamtiin Kenname
Jalqabbii barnootaa Bara 2014
Leenjii Barsiisota marmaaroo Montosoorii
Xaafii Haamaa
Kabaja torban barnoota dubartootaa
The school of light tomorrow is finished in Robe town!
Tomorrow's light school is finished In west Guji zone Malka Sodda!
Barattoota Qabxii Olaanaa Galmeessaniif
Barattoota Qabxii Olaanaa Galmeessaniif sirni beekamtii Kennuu Geggeeffame

Firiin Qorumsa Naannoo Kutaa 8ffaa Ifoome


301962495 3344906379166827 6062074560723514447 n       299026162 3333773900280075 6385095998349005654 n

Biiroon Barnootaa Oromiyaa firii qormaataa kutaa 8ffaa bara 2014 ifoomseera.Hog.Itti Aanaa BBO Obbo Girmaa Baayisaa qabxii darbiinsaa barattoota kutaa 8ffaa sababeeffachuun miidiyaaleef ibsa kennaniiru.Bu'uuruma kanaan akka naannoo Oromiyaatti bara 2014tti barattoonni 451,025 ta'an,

button EN 2                        giphy  


Qaamolee Ijaarsa Pirojektii Bu’uura Boruu ...    

    279922018 5143797635710934 6164447542381570090 n

    99 kk

Bara barnootaa 2014tti hojii tajaajila lammummaan ijaarsi Projektii bu'uura Prezidaantii MNOtiin  labsamuun isaa ni beekama. Bu’uuruma kanaan Manneen barnootaa Bu’uura Boruu kuma 3 ijaaruuf karoorfamee; karooraa ol manneen barnootaa kuma 3 fi 377 eegalameera.  Kanneen keessaa kuma 3 fi 11 xumuramuun tajaajila kennuu eegalaniiru.


Qabxii Ol’aanaa Bara 2013tti Galmaa’e     


       9   photo 2022 05 09 03 34 08

Akka Naannoo Oromiyaatti bara barnootaa 2013'tti Barattoota Qormaata biyyoolessaa kutaa 12ffaa qoraman keessaa barattootni 226 ta’an      qabxii olaanaa 500 fi isaa ol galmeessaniiru.Barattoota kanneen keessaa qabxii olaanaa (Top Achievers) koornayaa lamaan irraa galmeessan  maqaan isaanii kanneen kanaa gadiiti.

    Dhiirota keessaa

  1. Barataa Kooket Tasfaayee qabxii 548
  2. Barataa Hundee Tafarii qabxii 548
  3. Barataa Abdulaziiz Zeenuu qabxii 547 yoo ta’an

     Dubara keessaa immoo

  1.  Siifan Fiixaa qabxii 542
  2.   Hawwii Xaasoo qabxii 539
  3.  Lootii Yaadataa   qabxii 525  

Barattoota Qabxii Ol’aanaa Galmeessisaniif Badhaasni Dabalataa Kenname


   hhh 7

Abbaan Qabeenyaa Yuuniversiitii Harraambee Obb. Fayyisaa Araarsaa Sagantaa sirna beekamtii kennuu barattoota kutaa 12ffaa fi M/B bu'uura boruu irratti barattoota qormaata biyyooleessaa Kutaa 12ffaa bara 2013 akka naannoo Oromiyaattii qabxii ol'aanaa galmeessuudhaan 1ffaa, 2ffaa fi 3ffaa bahaniif tokko tokko isaaniitiif Qarshii 100,000( Qar. kuma dhibba tokko) sadaniif Qarshii 300,000.00 (Qar. kuma dhibba sadii) badhaasanii jiru!alteen kun raawwate. 


Oromia Regional Government with its unprecedented decision to respond to public demand for quality education and school infrastructure standards has allocated over 5.5 billion Birr from its 2020/21 fiscal year. The budget was channeled for 100 Ifa Boru secondary schools and 7 Ifa Boru Secondary Special Boarding Schools.

What grabs our discernment is the completion and enrolment of students of this huge project with expected quality in one fiscal year. Government construction development enterprises and private construction companies have exerted their at most efforts for the project realization.

Here the case in point is related to the Boarding Schools. As alluded to above, the quest for quality of education has been in the air decades long in Oromia. Oromia Education Bureau responding to the long existent ultimatum had made a calculated survey, which guided the opening of boarding schools as a strategy to make a positive competition among primary schools students, teachers, families and education institutions in general. Since the beginning of the project Oromia Education Bureau started to air the quality, criteria to join and objective of the boarding schools with the aim of crating competition and attention of stake holders mainly primary school communities (students, teachers, families) getting the chance to the boarding schools.

Now the schools, which used the already established Oromia Development Association Boarding School as a minimum benchmark, have enrolled 1, 522 students in grade 9 this academic year. Students’ criteria to join the school is high grade 8 regional examination result, grades 7 to 8 transcript, English and Mathematics to sit for entrance exam. Teacher’s recruitment follows the same pattern: minimum masters degree for the necessary field of study, high university cumulative GPA and minimum of 5 years teaching experience to sit for entrance exam. The teachers and the school leadership have attractive top-ups in addition to their salary.

Facilities in the School

The schools are spread on 16 hectares of land, out of which 2 have been greenery dressed, with well-built gymnasiums, amphitheaters, swimming pools, various out-door games fields, 24 hours internet access, libraries, workshops, animal farms, quality male and female dormitories, cafeterias, some teachers and school leadership residences and what you have.

The schools have the sum of manpower: 245 teachers, 21 leadership, 63 cafeteria workers, 245 support staffs which does not include laborers on animal farm and on greenery.

The schools give additional subjects to prepare the students at a higher level. They have the opportunity for elective international languages study like French, Chinese and Arabic while the medium of instruction except local languages is English. One additional subject entitled ‘Area Study’ is also included.

The schools are on preparation to be publicly inaugurated in the few weeks to come.

                                               Educational Statistics 2014

             no off teachers           Untitled 2       no off student

Kitaabilee Barbaachisoo


March 2025


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