The result of regional exam for grade 8 is released.


  301962495 3344906379166827 6062074560723514447 n 299026162 3333773900280075 6385095998349005654 n

Oromia education bureau has revealed the result of grade 8 exam in 2014 The deputy leader of BBO Mr. Girma Bayisa has given a press release regarding the passing point of grade 8 students.Basically 451,025 students were in 2014 like Oromia region.
                     Dy = 246,449
                     Dub= 204,576
Students who are registered to take regional exam of grade 8
                     Dip = 241,974
                     Dub.= 201,552

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Top Exam Result Scored in 2020/21 AcademicYear

In academic year 2020/21  of the total Oromia Regional National State that took  12th grade Entrance Examination 226 students scored  500 and above points. Of these top exam results, top achiever students are listed from both gender accordingly. 

Among Male Students.

  1. Student Kooket Tesfaye scored- 548photo 2022 05 09 03 32 22
  2. Student Hunde Tefara scored -548                                                     
  3. Student Abdulaziz Zeynu  scored 547 

Among Female Students.

  1. Student Sifan Fita scored -
  2. Student Hawwi Taso scored- 539
  3. Student Loti Yadeta scored - 525 


Seven Special Secondary Boarding Schools Readied in Oromia for Inauguration

     282327033 394496866050730 256539188572420840 n

     282207961 394482902718793 3947556211164043342 n  281847210 394482846052132 5285625299494208919 n

Oromia Regional Government with its unprecedented decision to respond to public demand for quality education and school infrastructure standards has allocated over 5.5 billion Birr from its 2020/21 fiscal year. The budget was channeled for 100 Ifa Boru secondary schools and 7 Ifa Boru Secondary Special Boarding Schools.

What grabs our discernment is the completion and enrolment of students of this huge project with expected quality in one fiscal year. Government construction development enterprises and private construction companies have exerted their at most efforts for the project realization.




Top Scoring Students presented Additional Gifts from Harambee University

photo 2022 05 09 03 33 59

Harambe University on the occasion presented a surprise gift for the highest male and highest female students. There were two males whose scores were 548 each and one female who scored 542 with 100% mathematics.

Owner and CEO of the university, Obbo Feyisa Arersa awarded  the 3 national entrance exam heroes and heroines of Oromia 100,000 ( 300,000 in total) Ethiopian birr in addition to 20,000 birr awarded by Oromia Education Bureau earlier on the same day.



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